CalWin Multi-locations
CalWin Multi-Location is a unique solution for businesses with several locations for production, stocks or sales, whether everything takes place within one legal entity or whether there are various legal entities. CalWin is therefore just as suitable for the very biggest manufacturers with many units and users, as it is for smaller, stand-alone factories with a few users.
CalWin Multi-Locations
A sales location may just function as a sales outlet and all item lines must be linked to a production site or be sold from stock. A production location may use the current production models in CalWin, through item lines being placed in batches at the chosen site.
As many locations as required may be used. The system can be set up with different functionality for each location. An order may consist of items that are produced at several locations, with automatic internal invoicing between them. Shipment may go to the customer direct from the manufacturing unit concerned, or the items may be collected in one place for simultaneous shipping of all order lines. Each location has its own numerical series for quotes, orders, invoices, purchases etc. As a starting point, the various locations do not “see” quotes, orders and purchases from other locations, but there is substantial flexibility in the setup here as well.
CalWin Multi-Location is a very advanced solution, which takes care of all data flows between the units, provides for maximum utilisation of all spare production capacity, administers shipping and monitors all inter-company financial affairs between the units. The firm’s management receives all relevant information from a single system, which facilitates speedy and correct decision-making.
There are no limits to the number of locations or the number of users in such a solution. The Oracle database that underpins the solution ensures quick and secure handling and storage of all data.
CalWin Multi-Location replaces solutions that normally have to be assembled by combining several partial solutions. By drawing all important business operations together in a single solution, time spent on operation and data exchange is saved, central information is concentrated in one place and the system handles all data traffic seamlessly without the need for integration solutions and data exchange.
- Define several production locations
- Define several sales locations
- Register orders with products from several locations
- Place orders in locations with spare capacity
- Coordinated or separate shipping to the customer
- Consolidated invoices to the customer
- Automatic internal invoices between locations
- Facility for a common statistical base